Local Edutech Focuses on Digital Education, Targeting 1 Million Users

Currently many problems are often faced by users in getting online training facilities with diverse content, ranging from the large costs, limited space, time and range of learning, as well as opportunities for sharing minimal knowledge so that it can hamper the process of individual self-development to become a professional.
Sometimes companies also complain about obstacles in developing employee HR, with a large enough number of employees scattered in various locations, thus requiring a large budget and difficulty finding qualified trainers in executing training activities.

Responding to these conditions, Mikkha released a local edutech startup that focuses on digital education for professionals and the development of Human Resources with the tagline “Live Learning for Everyone”.
“We provide technology for you to turn any environment into a fun online training ground,” Mikkha Founder & CEO Khrisna Ramadan said in a statement on Friday (5/15).
He said, currently many problems are often faced in getting online training facilities starting from the large cost, limited space, time and range, as well as the lack of knowledge sharing opportunities.
This Startup Helps Free and Paid Training Needs
He said Mikkha is a local edutech startup focusing on a marketplace-based digital education platform that helps training needs to become an online trainer either through free or paid classes.
In addition, users can become students looking for training classes from a variety of content available on one platform. “This online training venue can be a good solution for individuals or companies in developing human resources. So there is no need to bother coming to class venues, just waiting for live online class schedules,” Khrisna Ramadan said.
“Through the Mikkha platform, we hope to help users take advantage of the opportunity to share knowledge so they have income by teaching online. This platform can be a one-stop learning marketplace for professionals and companies,” Khrisna Ramadan said.

In addition, the increase in digital platform users during the pandemic which requires Work From Home (WFH) has more or less changed the lifestyle to become more familiar using digital platforms.
Moreover, the availability of the internet and digital devices really encourages trainers and students to do things that are more meaningful with their data packages, so that the digital-based education ecosystem in Indonesia is increasing.
As a first step, the company targets 1 million users first. “We are targeting 1 million users within 2 years, hopefully, this big target is not too grandiose and we can achieve, remain optimistic about the future of our nation’s digital economic growth, especially in the digital-based education sector,” he said.
Features Provided By Mikkha
As content owners now have a platform that can express creativity and teach without having to experience difficulties in infrastructure and technology. Mikkha guarantees security and controls access to your material and other content. Some Mikkha features that make online learning more effective include:
1. Live Video Session: online face-to-face interaction between Trainer and Student through live video with additional features of collaboration tools such as chat, polling, and breakout room capabilities.
2. White Board: the trainer can use the blackboard to draw, annotate, and demonstrate important points

3. Virtual Real-Time Classrooms: users from various locations can participate in real-time in this virtual classroom
4. Content Sharing: users can upload and upload presentation materials in any format PowerPoint, PDF, Document, and Video
5. Screen Sharing: can divide the screen to participants to present.
6. User Management: manage many students and many trainers to deliver and schedule classes.
Krishna hopes, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) which requires work from home (WFH), digital platform users will increase. He hopes that the digital-based education ecosystem in Indonesia will be more popular in the community.