Complete Online Learning, Kelas Pintar Startup Offers 88 Percent Discount

To ease the burden on parents and make it easier for students to learn from home, Kelas Pintar as a technology-based education solution provider launches a complete online learning package ‘Friends of Online Learning’.
The government still applies physical distancing to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Thus teaching and learning activities face to face are still not possible and students still have to learn from home.

This package is a combination of Regular Kelas Pintar, Questions and Priority Questions. The goal is that parents do not have to bother buying one by one package from the Kelas Pintar to meet the needs of children when learning from home.
Fernando Uffie, Founder of Kelas Pintar, said this online learning package allows students to learn more fun because the subject matter delivered is following the character of the students namely audio, visual, or kinesthetic.
“Students can also practice questions to strengthen understanding of the concept. Even when they lack an understanding of the subject matter, there are facilities to ask questions as well. Thus, they will still get lessons following the existing curriculum even though learning from home,” Uffie said through his statement, Saturday (18 / 4/2020).
The Lessons Given by Kelas Pintar Are the Same as Those at School
Regular Kelas Pintares provide subject matter that is the same as what is given at school. Both in terms of content (according to the curriculum) and in terms of the number of subjects, which consists of 8 subjects for classes 1-3, 10 subjects for grades 4-6, 7 subjects for grades 7-9, and 11 subjects for grades 10-12.
To find out how well students prepare and understand each subject and topic learned, students can train by working on the questions. PROBLEM from the Kelas Pintar not only provides a collection of weighted questions but also subject matter in an animated format designed to strengthen students’ understanding of the concepts of the subject matter.
The practice questions in it are also arranged with varying degrees of difficulty (easy, medium, difficult) and understanding (LOTS, MOTS, HOTS) and proportionately packaged.

There Are Teaching Staff Who Are Ready to Answer Students’ Questions
When students do not understand what is being learned and want to ask questions, there is a TANYA Priority facility from the Kelas Pintar facilitated by Expert Teachers in each field of education that is specifically allocated to answer student questions and ensure each answer is correct and following the educational standards applicable.
“The teaching staff or Expert Teachers in the Kelas Pintar are part of the Kelas Pintar academic team, who are always ready to answer student questions, ranging from grade 1 to grade 12. Where each level and field of education, is managed by different teachers, following their respective competencies,” Uffie explained.
TANYA from Kelas Pintar will serve questions sent in the time range from 18:00 to 21:00 WIB, from Monday to Friday. Whereas TANYA Priority will get additional time to ask questions in the morning from 09:00 until 12:00 WIB which can only be enjoyed by users of Friends of Online Learning, Kelas Pintar Regular, and PROBLEMS.

88% Off for Certain Packages
For information, the Sahabat Belajar Online package can be enjoyed by all users as of April 17, 2020. This online learning package can be obtained by purchasing the 1 month Kelas Pintar Regular Package using the “COMBOSBO” Voucher Code.
And during the study period from home, Kelas Pintar gives 88 percent discount for every purchase of the Sahabat Online Learning Package, so that Kelas Pintar users only need to pay IDR 99,000 from the initial price of IDR 825,000.
The subscription package can be obtained by accessing the page or downloading Kelas Pintar application through the Google Play Store and Apple Apps Store.