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Widya Imersif Teknologi Creates Smart Watches to Detect Covid-19

Widya Imersif Teknologi Creates Smart Watches to Detect Covid-19

Widya Imersif Teknologi, a startup under the venture capital company UMG Idealab has an audience with the Presidential Staff Office to discuss the handling of Covid-19 through artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT) based products.

In the audience, Widya Imersif Teknologi presented the WISH smartwatch (Widya Smart and Health Watch) as a health monitoring tool integrated with Artificial Intelligence or AI technology.

Widya Imersif Teknologi Creates Smart Watches to Detect Covid-19

CEO of UMG Idealab Kiwi Aliwarga, represented by Patrick Simamora, said WISH was designed to monitor health and access user-health reports through data that was analyzed and processed in an integrated manner by AI-based core technology. This technology is embedded in the user’s smartphone.

Main Features to Monitor User’s Health Conditions

As the main feature, WISH smartwatch users can measure body temperature, heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure as well as cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This detection will then be translated through the analysis and statistical features of the user’s personal health report which are stored in the personal health record feature.

These personal medical records can be accessed via a smartphone via a Bluetooth connection and will be integrated with the health tech ProSehat application service. Other features, users can monitor stress levels, monitor sleep hours, and geofencing capabilities that can detect fellow WISH smartwatch users with abnormal body temperatures within a maximum radius of 30 meters.

Widya Imersif Teknologi Creates Smart Watches to Detect Covid-19

Besides being able to be used individually or in groups in an agency or company, WISH users can also access all data stored as medical records on smartphones for health purposes. Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the use of smartwatches integrated with artificial intelligence had the potential to help everyone monitor their health more closely.

“In terms of [use] by the community, the Paspampres team is still able, suitable for using this tool, in my view,” said Moeldoko after a joint presentation by Patrick Simamora and Alwy Satriatama, the co-founder of Widya Indonesia.

Director-General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P), Achmad Yurianto, assessed that the WISH smartwatch is a technological solution that can help individuals to be more objective in obtaining health data about themselves.

“So, I am more likely that this is important if it is used as a tool to obtain objective [health] data about individuals, which of course will be interpreted and addressed by the individual itself,” said Yuri.

Kiwi Aliwarga added that the target users of WISH smartwatches are individuals and communities and small groups working in private or government agencies during the PSBB era.

In addition to the main integrated health features for Android and iOS users, WISH is also connected to a Widya smart speaker which can provide the latest information about the Covid-19 pandemic.

Can Detect Covid-19 Reactive Tendencies

The WISH smartwatch (Widya Smart and Health Watch) carries artificial intelligence and IoT technology that makes it easier for users to monitor personal health. This device is made of Zine Alloy (Vaccum Plating) frame material.

“Not only that, WISH is also equipped with technology to detect the reactive tendency of Covid-19 users through four parameters, namely body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and tongue image analysis or TCM,” said Widya Imersif Teknolologi COO, Yudistira Saptoaji.

Widya Imersif Teknologi Creates Smart Watches to Detect Covid-19

The function of keeping a distance from reactive users of Covid-19 also complements the geofencing feature on this smartwatch which has a battery life of up to seven days.

“If there are other users with abnormal body temperature in a radius of 30 meters, the geofencing feature on WISH is marked with a red dot, so that users can be more aware of the area and be disciplined in carrying out health protocols,” he explained.

UMG IdeaLab and Widya Imersif stated that they had had an audience with the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) to discuss the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic through AI and IoT-based products, as well as presenting this smartwatch.
