Check & Free Consultation about Coronavirus through 5 Applications

The government has held a coronavirus rapid test since the end of last week. However, the test is prioritized for medical workers and people in vulnerable zones. Therefore, residents can consult for free and check the risk of exposure to co-19 in five applications, without the need to go to the hospital.
First, the Halodoc application. The startup in the health sector launched a shuffle card on its platform with the link / ask-answer-around-virus- corona on March 13. “This service has been accessed by 2.3 million users,” was quoted as saying by the official Halodoc broadcast on Friday (3/27).

More than 22 thousand doctors are members of the Halodoc ecosystem. As many as 1,000 of them are specifically allocated to provide consultations (telemedicine) related to Covid-19.
Halodoc also runs official protocols for managing coronavirus risk for doctors. The protocol includes the introduction of clinical symptoms, recommendations for further treatment, facilitating users to make an appointment with a doctor at the hospital through the application, to a referral to the hospital.
Free Consultation through Halodoc in Gojek App
Second, the Halodoc free risk check and consultation service are available on the Gojek application. When you open the application, the shuffle card will be titled “Am I healthy?” When the shuffle card is pressed, you will be directed to the Halodoc chat feature.
Then, several questions will appear that you must answer yes or no. Later, the Halodoc team will provide your co-19 risk check results in three categories namely low, medium and high.
Based on these results, you will be asked to remain at home or self-isolation. Whereas the prescribed medication will be delivered by Gojek to the user’s home. If you need further treatment and action, you will be referred to a referral hospital. Third, the Halodoc telemedicine service is also available on the Blibli application.

“Blibli is working with Halodoc to provide telemedicine features so that customers can carry out checks without having to go to the hospital. That way, reducing the burden on hospitals,” said Blibli Vice President of Public Relations Yolanda Nainggolan.
The way it works is the same as in the Halodoc and Gojek applications. If the customers need further action, the doctor will refer the user to the right hospital.
Good Doctor in Grab Application
Fourth, the Good Doctor service in the Grab application. When opening the application, there will be a pop up titled “check the risk of covid-19 infection”. When pressing this pop up, you will be directed to the GrabHealth feature. You have to take pictures of the forms on the platform with a screen capture.
Then put a checklist in the yes or no column. Then, choose the free consultation feature with a doctor. Send a screen capture that has been given the mark to the doctor. Only then will the doctor give advice or even a referral.
“Supported by a qualified technology system, adequate service capacity, and medical partners, we believe GrabHealth powered by Good Doctor can make a significant positive contribution,” said Danu Wicaksana, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia Managing Director. In the past week, the question and answer request on the Good Doctor platform increased by 400%. Frequently asked questions related to Covid-19 increased 20x in March compared to February.
Check Risk of Coronavirus Exposure through Alodokter
Fifth, the service checks the risk of coronavirus exposure in the Alodokter application which is available since mid-March. Within a week of being launched, the telemedicine service was used by 900 thousand people.

“Alodokter continues to provide comprehensive training to the entire team of doctors, to jointly face this crisis,” Co-Founder and Director of Alodokter Suci Arumsari said. The startup also provided educational articles and videos about Covid-19 which were accessed more than 15 million times in two weeks.
The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) also plans to integrate these features to make it easier for residents to check the risk of coronavirus exposure. “We are asked to unite the various platforms,” BUMN Special Staff, Arya Sinulingga’s said, last Tuesday (3/24).