160 Thousand Students Take a National Tryout Online from Quipper

To help students face the National Examination (UN) and Computer-Based Writing Examination for College Entrance Joint Selection (UTBK SBMPTN), Quipper conducts national online tryouts
“The implementation of the try out is a commitment of Quipper as a leading education company in encouraging the improvement of the quality of education of Indonesian children by collaborating with the education office,” Quipper Indonesia’s Strategy Planner Fajrie Nuary said after the education discussion held by Quipper in Jakarta on Tuesday (10 / 3/2020).

According to Fajrie, true try out can provide many benefits for students who will face exams. By following this tryout, students can hone their skills in working on questions related to the subject matter being tested.
It also can be used as an evaluation to find out the extent of students’ understanding of the lessons presented in the exam.
Quipper Indonesia’s Business Development Manager, Ruth Ayu Hapsari added, the try out was very enthusiastic from students throughout Indonesia because it was not only accessible to Quipper users, but also by the public.
160,000 Participants Attended Try-Outs
Edtech startup Quipper held a national online try out by collaborating with the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office, South Sulawesi Provincial Education Office, Denpasar City Education Agency, and Andalas University.
In the 2019/2020 school year, Quipper has held several online try-outs involving nearly 160,000 participants of middle and high school students in Indonesia.
“The successful national try out held by Quipper in 396 regencies and cities in Indonesia is inseparable from the support of various related parties. Quipper is very grateful to those who have collaborated in the implementation of a national online try out in this school year,” Fajrie Nuary, Quipper Indonesia’s Strategy Planner, said.

In addition, Quipper also conducts online tryouts in general for users and non-users of Quipper. From these activities, Quipper selected 15 participants with the highest score from 5 categories. They are entitled to a total prize of IDR 10 million.
Regarding the tryout, Fajrie said that every year Quipper always increases the difficulty level of the questions that leads to the concept of higher-order reasoning skills (HOTS).
These questions can also be compiled by educational institutions that are indeed competent in making try out questions based on graduate competency standards (SKL) and UN lattices.
Online Tryout in South Sumatra
Meanwhile, Anang Purnomo, a staff member at the South Sumatra Province Education Office and an online try out coordinator in South Sumatra Province, said they were satisfied with the results of the try out carried out in collaboration with Quipper last November.
Anang mentioned that the teacher and students were greatly helped by this tryout. Because, from the results of the try out the teachers know the weaknesses of students in each material and make several improvements.
Anang was proud to be able to become an organizer of an online try out involving 42,149 students from 286 high schools in 17 cities and districts in South Sumatra.

“Our try out this year has received very good enthusiasm from students throughout Indonesia because it is not only accessible to Quipper users, but also by the general public,” Quipper Indonesia’s Business Development Manager, Ruth Ayu Hapsari said.
Students are expected to reap the benefits of taking a try out for the actual exam later. Through try out, students’ skills in working on questions related to the subject matter being tested are also honed.
With the abolition of the National Exam, Anang hopes that Quipper can help students to assess the minimum competency and character survey, which consists of the ability to reason using language or literacy, the ability to reason using math or numeracy, and strengthening character education.