MyEdu, Online Learning Platform Benefits from Kemendikbud Quota

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) distributes internet data quota assistance for online learning, one of which can be accessed is the MyEdu platform.
MyEdu is a non-formal educational institution in the form of homeschooling, private class tutoring, and online institutes ranging from the equivalent level of PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, to tertiary institutions.
Having a legal entity under the name PT Smartkan Anak Bangsa, MyEdu claims to be the first formal and informal education established with the edtech startup-style in Indonesia.

“MyEdu Indonesia wants to scale up teaching staff in conducting online and offline learning, so we pioneered a routine evaluation system for personnel according to input from users, namely students and parents,” said Head of Education MyEdu Indonesia, Pahrizan, in a press release, Wednesday (11/8/2021).
MyEdu was launched on August 17, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the age of corn, MyEdu continues to grow until it finally registered 1,000 users.
For now, MyEdu users are spread across all major cities in the country, from Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Pontianak, Makassar, to Jayapura.
Since opening last year, MyEdu’s monthly enrollment has quadrupled. This increase is inseparable from the Ministry of Education and Technology’s free internet data quota subsidy program during the pandemic.
Along with this trend, CEO of MyEdu Indonesia, Gorbiyan Khurmaini said, at the beginning of this school year, we will continue to attract more users, add partners, educational institutions, and improve various features in the MyEdu application.
“We at MyEdu also open the opportunities for various partners to realize the mission of educating the nation’s children, both individuals and institutions that focus on education,” said Gorbiyan.
The Number of Registrants Increases up to 4 Times
The never-ending Covid-19 pandemic has made the number of users of technology education services increase along with the implementation of distance learning (PJJ) by students at home.
MyEdu Indonesia, an edtech startup that is flying under the banner of PT Cerdaskan Anak Bangsa.
MyEdu Indonesia Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Gorbiyan Khurmaini said, since the startup opened PJJ registration from August 2020 until new student registration (PMB) for the 2021/2022 academic year, there has been a 4-fold increase in the number of monthly registrants.

He said, entering the new academic year this year, the startup will attract more users and add educational partner partners and improve various features in the application.
“We want to scale up the teaching staff in conducting online and offline learning, so we pioneered a routine evaluation system for teaching staff according to feedback from users, namely students and parents,” said Head of Education MyEdu Indonesia Pahrizan, M.Pd. in Jakarta, Friday, July 30, 2021.
Providing Various Extracurricular Programs
Based on the results of monitoring from the official website and social media, in terms of marketing content, this edtech company is very creative, up-to-date, and can attract school-age users.
This makes the choice to determine educational institutions can be more numerous and broad. In addition, there are many additional interesting extracurricular learning including tahfizh, graphic design, english club, programming, entrepreneur and others.

This edtech startup user is now spread in a number of big cities in Indonesia such as Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Pontianak, Makassar to Jayapura.
He believes that the advantages of edtech technology will be able to contribute to accelerating the distribution of education in Indonesia as announced by the Government.
“Within less than a year the distribution of our users is very fast. All of that is the effect of students who have to go to school at home,” said Gorbiyan.
This development was also assisted by the existence of a free internet quota subsidy program by the Ministry of Education and Technology to students and students which was provided during the pandemic
MyEdu Indonesia Head of Education Pahrizan, M.Pd., added that the advantages of edtech technology such as MyEdu are independent learning styles and prioritize skill activities for students.