Mitra Bukalapak Encourage Financial Inclusion Through a Line of Services

Buka Mitra Indonesia, which houses Mitra Bukalapak, strives to continue to provide various services and financial products for everyone, especially unbanked and underbanked people who have limited access.
Therefore, Mitra Bukalapak is collaborating with several well-known financial and banking companies, such as Bank Mandiri, Pegadaian, including the DANA digital wallet to increase literacy and financial inclusion.
This form of literacy and financial inclusion work is presented with a line of Bukalapak Partner services that can be accessed by its customers. Starting from remittances, financial management arrangements, to investment needs.

“Inclusion and financial literacy can be achieved through the joint efforts of various parties. Therefore, as the largest online to offline platform in Indonesia, Buka Mitra Indonesia will continue to develop financial products and features at Bukalapak Partners,” said CEO of Buka Mitra Indonesia, Howard Gani in an official statement, Friday (7/5/2021).
Partners will Get Satisfactory Service and Results
A service that is also provided by Bukalapak Partners for its customers is charging digital wallets, such as e-money. In this way, people who do not have access to an account can still top up such digital wallets.
“Following Bukalapak’s mission to create A Fair Economy For All, we will continue to contribute through innovation and technology development, which is the key to digitizing small and medium enterprises,” said Howard.
Not only for customers, MSME players who joined Bukalapak Partners also obtained satisfying results. One of them is Surni Kurnia, who revealed that his shop has increased its turnover by three times since joining Bukalapak Partners.
“After joining Bukalapak Partners, everything has changed. Previously, the income of IDR 600 thousand per day was not bad. Now with the addition of selling virtual and financial products from Bukalapak Partners, the income has tripled,” he said.

Currently, Bukalapak Partners itself sells various types of products, such as daily necessities, fresh products, electronics, motor vehicle spare parts, up to 42 types of virtual products consisting of credit, electricity tokens, tax payments, to Software as Service products.
Bukalapak Partners Pocket 7 Million MSME Players
On the other hand, Bukalapak revealed that now there are seven million MSME players who have joined Bukalapak Partners. This was revealed by the CEO of Buka Mitra Indonesia, Howard Gani during the Inspirato event.
“Now we already have seven million Bukalapak Partners. Two million are in the stall category and the rest are mixed businesses, for example, warteg or warmindo,” he said during the Inspirato Sharing Session which was held, Thursday (29/4/2021).
Even though it already has seven million Bukalapak Partners, Howard said Bukalapak is still developing this service. One of them is improving the SKU (stock keeping unit) available and working with the principal to find out market needs.
In addition, another thing that is still a concern is the supply chain which is quite complicated. Therefore, Bukap Terbang tries to bring added value to bridge the partners’ positions with the principals.

Partners will Get Benefits
For information, Bukalapak Partners are offline sellers of products at Bukalapak. Bukalapak Partners can sell physical products to virtual products, such as credit, data packages, money transfers, electricity tokens, and other services.
According to Howard, Bukalapak Partners comes with several benefits that can be obtained by MSME players. “What I heard from our Bukalapak Partners, the first advantage is about a good price, so they can benefit,” he explained.
In addition, the matter of access to information on goods needed by partners can be easily identified. Howard said, information about the variety of goods, stock availability, and stock certainty can be found directly through the application.
“Later, partners just need to check directly and the goods can be sent immediately. So, they do not need to close the shop,” said Howard continued. Another advantage that can be obtained by partners is funding for them to develop their business.