Dagangan Startup Says It Has Reached 25,000 Rural Communities

Dagangan released the Dagangan Impact Report 2021, a report on the various forms of positive impacts that the startup has created on society from an economic, social, and environmental perspective.

This report also contains the sustainability framework applied to Commerce’s business operations, in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Through a press statement, the e-commerce startup said that they will continue to ensure that the business they run makes a significant contribution to society, especially in rural or rural areas.
“Improving people’s welfare is Dagangan’s priority in running the business,” said Maha Willy Chandra, Dagangan’s Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, quoted Monday (18/4/2022).
Willy also said that the company will always ensure that what they do can have a positive impact on the community.
“In the Impact Report that we are releasing today, we provide an overview of the achievements of the Commerce business in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB) of the United Nations,” added Willy.

Sustainable Business
The company revealed that of the 17 destinations in the PBB TPB, Dagangan claims to be actively realizing some of them.
These efforts include reducing poverty, fighting for gender equality, creating decent jobs for economic growth, overcoming inequality through innovation, and contributing to addressing the issue of climate change.
According to Willy, “Sustainable” is the right word to describe what Dagangan has been doing so far. “We strive so that everything we do can have a positive impact on a sustainable basis, including to users, employees, investors, and society in general,” he said.
In his statement, so far, Dagangan has reached more than eight thousand villages in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Central Java, and West Java.
The company claims that more than 25 thousand people, both retail buyers, shop owners, and MSME players now have access to quality products, which are sold through the Dagangan platform at affordable prices.
This is said to be supporting the shop owners so that they have succeeded in increasing their income by up to 60 percent since shopping for goods through the Dagangan application.

Support to Government Programs
Aaron Nio, Senior Investment Associate, Monk’s Hill Ventures said that the Dagangan team has created a more efficient supply chain to deliver products and services to 80 percent of Indonesians living in tiers 3 and 4 cities.
“We are pleased to continue to be partners in improving people’s welfare and supporting a more integrated and inclusive digital economy in Indonesia,” said Nio.
Dedi Kuswandi, Head of Section/Coordinator of Evaluation and Reporting of the Directorate General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, also appreciated the support from Dagangan for government programs.
“Like when helping the distribution of cooking oil to rural communities in several areas some time ago,” said Dedi.
Focus on Rural Area
Founded in 2019, Dagangan is an e-commerce startup that focuses on serving people in rural areas, by providing various household needs, ranging from primary needs to other daily needs in wholesale and retail through applications.
Merchandise aims to be a solution for people in rural areas to be able to obtain basic needs in an easier, faster, and affordable way.
This e-commerce startup applies a hub-and-spoke operational model. This means that the company provides basic needs procurement centers or micro warehouses (hubs) at various points in rural areas, so that logistics costs become more efficient.
This operating model also allows large producers to reach rural areas which was previously difficult due to logistical limitations.
The company has reached more than 8 thousand villages in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Central Java, and West Java. More than 25,000 people, be they retail buyers, shop owners, and MSME players now have access to quality products that are sold through the Dagangan platform at affordable prices.
This also supports shop owners so that they can increase their income by up to 60 percent since they shopped for goods through the Dagangan application.