Briefer Wants to Bridge MSMEs with Workers in the Communication Sector

PT Kreasi Communication Digital, a strategic unit of IGICO Advisory, officially launched Briefer as a collaboration application to accommodate workers in the communication sector.
This application is designed to connect communication practitioners who focus on the field of public relations, especially freelancers, to connect with business people, SMEs, organizations, and governments in various regions in Indonesia.

Later the service can be enjoyed by users on Android and iOS devices to find partners in related fields that support their business needs.
With a mission to become an ‘operating system’, Briefer tries to build a cloud-based communication collaboration ecosystem that allows practitioners to work with businesses, MSMEs, organizations, and the government in Indonesia.
Founder & CEO of Briefer Aditya Sani explained that the launch of the service was a breakthrough effort and a new way of working in the digital era that was able to facilitate the dynamic needs of the communication industry.
The Briefer provides a place for every communicator, especially freelancers, to work with equal standards in an ecosystem.
“We see an imbalance in skills and work standards among freelancers in the communications industry, especially between big cities and secondary areas, which has an impact on the economic welfare of the actors,” said Aditya.
Briefer is here to answer these problems and challenges by developing appropriate technology, as well as collaborating with those who have special experience and specialization in the field of communication from various regions to meet the needs of business people, MSMEs, organizations and governments.

Features Offered by Briefer
For now, the application is not ready for the public. While perfecting its development, the Briefer team continues to build partnerships with related parties.
The soft-launching process on Wednesday (11/03) also marked the start of the curation process for prospective specialists based on their respective expertise to join as collaborators and the Briefer family.
With the application launched, later MSME actors or other users can consult directly with specialists through Chat, Virtual Meeting, and Face-to-face using the hourly rate mechanism that is regulated through the application.
By listening to various aspirations from industry players, at this early stage, Briefer introduced 5 communication products, namely making press releases or articles, monitoring media, organizing webinars, and looking for videographers/photographers. and talent to support the organization of the event.
Co-founder and CTO of Briefer, Fauzan Hamdi, said the platform was built using several layers of hybrid technology that allows the management of applications based on Android, iOS, and web to be carried out simultaneously.
“We believe that the best work comes from collaboration. Therefore, through Briefer, we hope to build cross-stakeholder collaboration in a healthy, credible, comprehensive and effective communication ecosystem,” added Aditya.
MSME Public Relations Needs
Not only corporations, but MSMEs can also use communication experts to carry out good public relations strategies. Various agendas can be carried out, for example conducting media relations to increase the presence of the developed business or brand.
Apart from increasing awareness, media coverage also has benefits such as building public trust in certain services. Usually it takes special skills to be able to execute the strategy optimally.
However, one of the pain points that many MSME actors feel is that to hire the services of a communication expert agency, you have to spend a lot of money – even though several public relations companies have also started making packages for MSMEs/startups.
The existence of a platform like Briefer can actually be a breath of fresh air, instead of hiring a comprehensive and expensive service, MSME players can choose a la carte service or what is needed – especially if it is done by part-time workers, usually the cost tends to be more affordable.
Although it does not specialize in providing expert communication services, in fact, there are already several platforms in Indonesia that accommodate freelancers, including in the field of public relations. Some of them are Getcraft, Sribulancer, Side, Fastwork, and others.