Telkom CorpU and Gojek Collaborate to Develop in Eastern Indonesia

Telkom Corporate University (Telkom CorpU) through the Indonesia Telecommunication & Digital Research (ITDRI) program collaborates with Gojek to develop startup players in eastern Indonesia.
This collaboration is manifested in the Muda Maju Bersama 1000 Startup event in the Eastern Indonesia Region, with the opportunity to get a prize in the form of capital of up to IDR 200 million.
Registration for this event has been open since June 6, 2021 and will close on July 25, 2021.
Telkom CorpU’s Senior General Manager, Jemy V. Confido, said that the program is an implementation of the Ministry of SOE’s mission in an effort to reduce the digital talent gap, encourage technology independence, and increase the global innovativeness index in Indonesia.

“We at ITDRI and Telkom Corporate University Center assess startup development as the most effective way to achieve these three missions at once,” he said in a statement, Thursday (10/6/2021).
“Startup is a place to innovate in the form of adoption, technology development, and the struggle to business innovation so that their talents develop significantly.
Meanwhile, Gojek’s East Indonesia Regional Strategic VP, Anandita Danaatmadja said technology not only offers solutions to various challenges faced by the community, but also opens access for the community to be able to play an active role in contributing and enjoying the benefits of the digital economy.
“From our experience at Gojek, we realize the importance of a continuous learning process for startup companies not only to survive, but also to continue to grow,” he said.
He added that through the Muda Maju Bersama 1000 Startup program in the future, many digital innovations will be created.
Areas of the Youth Program Forward Together with 1000 Startups
For information, this program is intended for all people who live in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua in the age range of 18-35 years.
For those who meet the criteria, they can directly register individually or as a team via the link.
Furthermore, participants will be given a series of intensive acceleration programs for 6 months in the form of briefing and startup fundamentals, to realizing their ideas to become prototypes or MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

During the first three months, all participants were given the opportunity to learn the stages of building a startup, finding and forming a team, submitting their innovation ideas, and competing to present their work.
Accompanied by Experts in Their Fields
Of the total participants, 1000 selected startups will continue the level of coaching. Then, 200 startups will be selected who will gain an understanding of the validation of innovation ideas and how to create an MVP.
“During the activity process, participants will be accompanied by mentors who are best practices in their fields. All selected startups will get the main prize in the form of capital assistance of IDR 200 million,” he continued.
Meanwhile, Anandita Danaatmadja is optimistic that the growth of startups created by the nation’s children in Eastern Indonesia will be able to compete in the international arena.

“With this great potential, we must be able to take advantage of opportunities while creating more social impacts through technological innovation, so that the Eastern Indonesia region can further accelerate digital economic growth and become a leader in our own country,” he concluded.
Previously, Telkom invested in Gojek through its subsidiaries
PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) or known as Telkom conveys information disclosure regarding investments made by its subsidiary Telkomsel.
The Telkom subsidiary injected investment funds into Gojek amounting to USD 300 million or around IDR 4.29 trillion (assuming an exchange rate of IDR 14,312 per US dollar).
This transaction between Telkomsel and Gojek has no affiliation as referred to in Law no. 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital Market and OJK Regulation No. 42/POJK.04/2020 concerning Affiliated Transactions and Conflict of Interest Transactions between Telkomsel and Gojek.
In addition, this transaction is part of Telkomsel’s strategy to support digital businesses, namely, Digital Connectivity, Digital Platform and Digital Services.