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GoPay, OVO, and DANA Strategies Targeting Regional Consumers

GoPay, OVO, and DANA Strategies Targeting Regional Consumers

The Katadata Insight Center (KIC) survey shows that banking financial services via SMS short messages, internet, and mobile banking, as well as Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) still dominate regional use. Because of that, GoPay made by Gojek, OVO, ShopeePay, and DANA collided with a special strategy to target consumers outside the city.

In a survey entitled ‘Digital Payment Literacy’, over 90% of a total of 1,155 respondents said banking services were available in their area. Then, 24.1 to 30% stated that there are no digital wallet or e-wallet services.

GoPay, OVO, and DANA Strategies Targeting Regional Consumers

As much as 42.9% live in urban areas, while the rest are in rural or rural areas. More than half of the respondents were 23 – 38 years old. Then, 25.8% were 39 – 54 years old, and 20.7% were 15-22 years old. While the rests are baby boomers or range 55 – 65 years.

In addition, 90.4% use cash more often when making transactions. “The infrastructure and services are widely available, even to remote areas, but the majority tends to use cash more often,” said KIC Research Director Mulya Amri in his official statement, Tuesday (27/10).

DANA Aims to Expand Its Reach

The survey results indicate that DANA services are only spread out in 70% of regions, or not yet available in 30% of Indonesia. Therefore, DANA CEO Vincent Iswara stated that his company is expanding cooperation with local and provincial governments.

Then, regularly, hold webinars related to the benefits of digital wallets about three times a month in potential areas. In addition, digital marketing is being carried out. In July 2019, Vincent also said that DANA did not close the opportunity to target Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas.

GoPay, OVO, and DANA Strategies Targeting Regional Consumers

This is because the market potential in Indonesia is considered large. The company has collaborated with Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in several areas in Java. The only problem is infrastructure such as the internet and public education.

As of last June, the number of DANA users reached more than 40 million. In order to attract more users, Vincent said that he would focus on providing products according to user needs. Last week, DANA also partnered with Parkee to provide parking payments.

OVO and Gopay have a Strategy to Expand Their Reach

Then, 24.7% of respondents stated that OVO services were not yet available in their area. OVO President Director Karaniya Dharmasaputra said his service was present in 373 cities and districts and attracted 700 thousand merchant partners, both corporations and MSMEs.

The national unicorn also formed a task force to ensure OVO had the right strategy in the new economic conditions. In addition, relocating resources and constantly reviewing business strategies to reach markets.

GoPay, OVO, and DANA Strategies Targeting Regional Consumers

The payment financial technology (fintech) company is partnering with the Ministry of Trade to digitize Pasar Bersehati, Manado. This program is planned to be expanded. “Of course, this goal requires a lot of time and effort,” he said.

GoPay Managing Director Budi Gandasoebrate said his services are used in 390 cities in Indonesia. It is even present in cities where Gojek has not yet operated. He said, from the start, the company focused on opening access to financial services for all levels of society.

GoPay is also open to collaborating with all parties so that its services can be used by all Indonesian citizens. GoPay collaborates with another Gojek subsidiary, namely Mapan, which offers savings services with the concept of arisan.

The company also strengthens system security through three pillars, namely technology, protection and education. “We want to convince the public that Gojek has a safe ecosystem supported by technological sophistication,” he said. Meanwhile, ShopeePay Marketing Manager Cindy Candiawan said that the service is present in more than 500 cities/regencies in Indonesia.
