5 Startups from the 1000 Startup Digital Movement

The 1000 Startup Digital National Movement is an early-stage start-up training program initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia and the Directorate General of Informatics Applications. This program has been implemented since 2016.
According to the Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology in the Digital Economy, Lis Sutjiati the idea of this program began in 2015. The idea was sparked during President Jokowi’s visit to the Plug and Play Digital Incubation Center in Silicon Valley and declared Indonesia The Digital Energy of Asia.

With the digital economic ecosystem, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology launched a program to boost startups in Indonesia. The Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara conducted the first launch of the 1000 Startup program with Kibar as the national operator.
In 2019, the 2019 Digital Startup National Movement 2019 is packaged with a new concept. Stages of the National Movement The 1,000 new Digital Startups now consist of Ignition, Workshop, Hacksprint, Bootcamp, and Incubation.
Startups that were Born from 1000 Startup Digital Programs
1. Botika, AI-based startup
Botika is a startup company based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) that utilizes chatbot products or smart chat assistants to answer questions. Botika is claimed to replace the role of Customer Service. Botika’s founder and CEO Ditto Anindita said at first Botika focused on the business of selling travel tickets, namely planes.
At that time, Ditto and the team only hired one admin who was in charge of answering consumer questions about flight schedules but each day the questions asked by consumers were increasing. Therefore, he decided to create a system that can answer user questions automatically.
Besides using machine learning, Botika’s chatbot product also utilizes Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which can find out what users want through instant messaging applications such as Facebook Messenger, Line, WhatsApp, and Telegram.

2. Kandang.in
It’s a livestock investment platform supported by technology is a new experience for investors with small capital and investment in the livestock sector. One of the startups is Kandang.in, which has managed the investment of around IDR 5 billion by helping 100 farmers in all regions in Indonesia.
Kandang.in owns and works closely with breeder partners to ensure the success of the investments that are planted. The total up to now is that the startup has a total group of breeders in the kendang.in the platform, around 25 groups of breeders with a total number of breeders helped through this platform about 100 breeder partners.
Gilang Kurniaji, Chief Executive Officer of Kandang.in said that his party has helped fund farmers in various livestock sectors such as cattle fattening, qurban sheep, super-native chickens, laying hens, gourami, koi fish and broiler chickens.
Through applications that are also available for Android, funding projects will appear. Projects that are included in funding are projects that have been curated and evaluated in various stages.
Prospective investors can choose projects to be funded through the website or application and a breeder’s profile will appear a profit-sharing analysis and investment prospectus. For a minimum nominal value of the investment, it is sufficient to prepare funds starting from IDR 500,000.
After completing the order and making payment there are periodic reports that can be accessed as well as financial reports and profit-sharing. That way users can easily monitor their investments.
3. Bizhare
Investment interests are often delayed because of a minimal budget, this problem has inspired Bizhare’s CEO and Co-Founder, Heinrich Vincent, to build the online investment startup platform.
BiZhare Founder & CEO Heinrich Vincent founded his company in June 2017 through a batch 2 government program organized by Kominfo. At that time, he founded a mutual investment startup before the legal umbrella regarding it. As a result, he became one of the business actors who started the birth of POJK37.
Bizhare has partnered with several franchise businessmen in Indonesia such as Indomaret, Kebab Turki Baba Rafi, to Minang typical restaurants that are already very well-known, Simple Lintau. In addition, Bizhare has also worked closely with the Indonesian Franchise Association to expand its wings.
The franchise business was chosen by Heinrich, because it was considered to have an adequate financial recording system. That too, said Heinrich, made Bizhare able to analyze the business well and win the trust of potential investors.
The scheme used by Bizhare startup is equity crowdfunding, so it allows you who want to have passive income, even with a limited budget to become an investor. Opportunities are also open for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to obtain capital by dividing their shares without going through the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
4. Amacall, a platform for Mothers and Children
This startup is engaged in services to provide solutions for mothers and children. This platform bridges therapists with customers online. Therapist services provided by their platforms include midwives and professional nurses.
To maintain the comfort and trust of its customers, Amacall guarantees that therapists who work with their companies are equipped with service certification. All needs from pregnancy to postpartum can be found on this platform.

5. Garda Pangan
Like a bank, Garda Pangan has customers. They are five caterers, one restaurant, and one bread seller in Surabaya, East Java. The “customers” deposit rice, side dishes, until the remaining bread every Saturday night.
Garda Pangan is a community and food bank startup initiated by Dedhy Bharoto Trunoyudho in Surabaya in April 2017. This stub started with the concern of Dedhy to see how much food was wasted in the City of Heroes. Most come from restaurants and hotels. This is ironic because there are still many people who are starving.
Dedhy and his colleagues collected leftovers in a warehouse. The volunteers in this community then check the quality. Good food is repackaged and distributed to orphanages or other residents in need. Those that are unfit for consumption are made into compost and biogas.
The Program Keeps Running in the Middle of the Pandemic
The Directorate General of Informatics Application of the Ministry of Communication and Information held the incubation stage for the program in April 2020. A total of 107 participants from startup founders participated in activities that took place online.
Currently, the Directorate General of Informatics Application of the Ministry of Communication and Information is making a strategy to encourage startups to scale up. You do this through the Early-Stage Startup Founder Needs survey. The main objective of this survey is to prepare a startup support program that bridges from 1000 startup digital to Nexticorn.
(Read also: 3 startup heroes contributed 8,000 bottles of water for Covid19 patients )