Rewang, a Startup from East Java that Help People Affected by Layoffs

PT Jasapedia Universal Indonesia officially launched a service application called REWANG Indonesia. It provides convenience for the community to get reliable and trusted household assistants.
The REWANG Indonesia application which was launched on Saturday (8/8/2020) at the Former 01 Surabaya Coffee Shop was attended by the co-founder of PT Jasapedia Universal Indonesia, Alex Chandra. Alex Chandra said Rewang Indonesia is a platform for android-based household assistant services (ART).

This Surabaya-based startup was launched with the aim of being able to help and answer the complaints of many people who have difficulty finding ART. Moreover, there is a concern that there are brokers who charge high rates.
“In addition, REWANG also facilitates household assistants (ART), drivers, and other workers who want to find work,” Alex said after launching the REWANG application, Saturday (8/8/2020).
In fact, said Alex, recently one of the service platform companies cut off cooperation with home cleaning services. Automatically, it will increase the unemployment rate. In a pandemic like now, Alex continued, the unemployment rate in Indonesia is increasing. Of course, with rising unemployment, it means that many people need jobs.
The REWANG Application was Launched to Help People Find Household Assistants
The reason Alex uses the name Rewang is that he wants to provide assistance to people who are looking for work and make it easier for workers to find jobs.
“Rewang itself is Javanese, which in Indonesian means helping. So we want to make it easier for the community to get reliable and trusted household assistants, we launched a service application called REWANG Indonesia,” he added.

He also added that there is a service provider platform, cutting off cooperation with house cleaning services, so according to Alex, many unemployed people only have this ability.
“Moreover, recently one of the service platform companies cut off cooperation on house cleaning services. Automatically, it will increase the unemployment rate,” he said.
“Through this REWANG Indonesia, it is hoped that it can help the affected community to make it easier to get a job,” he explained. He also said that the REWANG Indonesia application was here because it also answered the needs of working parents who needed ART assistance without expensive brokerage fees that is burdensome.
Currently, the Application and Services are Only Available in East Java
Regarding how to use this application, he said, Indonesian REWANG service users only need to use gadgets and do not need to leave the house or office to get help from trusted and reliable ART, drivers, or other services.
“Reflecting on all these things, hopefully, the Rewang application will be able to become the first startup unicorn from Surabaya, as well as, be able to provide welfare for Indonesian people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Alex.

According to Alex, Rewang is the first application that brings together service seekers and workers in Indonesia. He hopes that this application can spread throughout Indonesia. Currently, this application can only be used in Greater Surabaya, because for other areas, there are no supporting offices.
“Only in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Gresik. For Jakarta, Semarang, Jogja, and Bali will follow as soon as possible,” he concluded. For information, workers who have registered in this application have been screened for data, health, ability, and security. So that service seekers do not worry about unwanted things happening.
For now, this application requires physical verification by meeting directly with prospective workers at the Rewang Application office in Surabaya. Alex said the target for this year is that there are 5 branch offices spread across Indonesia.
For workers who want to join this application, they will not be charged any fees or free. Admin fees will be charged to users and for this month there is still a free admin fee promo available for users who want to try to find ART through the Rewang application on the PlayStore and AppStore.