Quipper Solutions to Help Face the Potential of Learning Loss in Indonesia

Quipper said that his party will continue to work to support the implementation of any learning carried out in the 2021/2022 school year. This edutech startup will present a series of services with quality and affordable content.
“Quipper will continue to help teachers and students so that they can continue to maximize teaching and learning activities to be more effective by providing the best and affordable services,” said Quipper Indonesia’s Business Strategy and Growth Senior Manager, Ruth Ayu Hapsari in an official statement received, Tuesday (6/7/2021).

Ruth said Quipper will also try to overcome the problem of learning loss in Indonesia. To note, learning loss is a decrease in student learning competence that can occur due to differences in access to facilities or infrastructure during distance learning.
To overcome this problem, Quipper seeks to provide solutions in the form of easily accessible teaching materials. In addition, this edtech startup also presents online tryouts to prepare for PTS, PAS, and PAT so that students do not miss out on material at school.
Earn Quipper School Premium
Quipper also presents Quipper School Premium as a learning management system that offers an integrated and easy-to-use learning system. Through this solution, teachers can implement hybrid learning and get full assistance.
Quipper School Premium services are also equipped with a number of solutions to support teachers in preparing, implementing, and evaluating learning outcomes.

With this solution, teachers can also interact with students through virtual classes and online delivery of materials, assignments, and exams. The launch of Quipper School Premium during a pandemic is very fitting.
“The availability of learning content according to the curriculum, as well as assistance in making teaching materials according to the needs of teachers, really helps schools in providing learning services to students,” said one teacher user from SMAN 1 Lembo, Central Sulawesi, Jan Laniengka.
Through this service, Quipper hopes that teaching and learning activities can be carried out optimally so that when conducting face-to-face learning, teachers can focus on explaining the material, helping students who are left behind, conducting classroom experiments, and developing student character directly.
Online Tutoring Service Helps Students during Distance Learning Period
Previously, Quipper Indonesia’s Business Development Manager, Ruth Ayu Hapsari said that the role of edtech startups should not be limited to providing additional teaching materials.
It is hoped that edtech can provide interactive services that allow students to have additional online learning experiences that are more focused during distance learning.
There are several challenges faced by students during this PJJ period and Quipper is here to assist students in overcoming these difficulties.
“Through the Quipper Video Masterclass interactive service, students will be guided by Coach and Tutors to manage study time, complete assignments given by the teacher, and develop weekly study plans,” said Ayu.
Then, to optimize the teaching and learning process, teachers can interact with students through Virtual Classes and online delivery of materials, assignments, and exams.
With the automatic Assessment System, teachers can obtain detailed student learning evaluation results through the available Statistical Reports.

Quipper Video Masterclass
With this feature, students will be accompanied by a coach who provides guidance in the learning process, provides effective study tips, helps students organize study schedules to provide direction and input for preparation for exams and entering university.
“Besides the Coach, there is also a ‘Tanya Tutor’ feature that can help students in terms of subjects so that students can discuss with the Tutor related to school assignments and material topics that students want to deepen,” said Ayu.
These two features, according to Ayu, are presented interactively through chat in the Quipper application. “There’s no limit to the number of questions when using this service so that students can maximize it according to their needs,” said Ayu closing her statement.