Quipper Holds National UTBK Tryout for 2022 SBMPTN Preparation

Technology-based education startup (edtech), Quipper, recently held a National UTBK Tryout. This activity was carried out as a simulation of preparation for the Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK) for the 2022 State University Entrance Joint Selection (SBMPTN).

The National UTBK Tryout was attended by more than 20,000 participants online, free of charge, and open to all 12th-grade high school students/equivalent or gap year.
Manager of Quipper Video Masterclass, Hanani Faiza, said that the company’s National UTBK Tryout has three excellent features that can be accessed and participated by all tryoutparticipants.
The function of this feature makes it easier for prospective UTBK SBMPTN 2022 participants to develop strategies to pass the SBMPTN as early and as much as possible.
“First, the National UTBK Tryout from Quipper has used the IRT (Item Response Theory) scoring system used by the LTMPT. Assessment with IRT will give a weighted score according to the level of difficulty of the questions,” said Hanani through her statement, Wednesday (15/12/2021).
Second, he continued, the availability of the Opportunity Check feature can measure how big the chance of tryout participants to enter the desired PTN. “Thirdly, they can also get recommendations from other PTNs according to the chosen majors,” explained Hanani.

Prizes for Highest Scorers
Tryout participants who have created a Quipper account can immediately complete the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) and Academic Competency Test (TKA) tryouts, both for the Science and Technology and Social Humanities (Soshum) categories on the Quipper android application or via a browser.
After the results of the tryout came out, Quipper provided a discussion about the tryout in the form of text and video as learning and evaluation materials.
For participants who got the best score for each tryout category, Quipper gave an appreciation of cash prizes worth a total of IDR 5 million.
The National UTBK Tryout activity was also supported by Canon, where the winner of the highest tryout score also received one printer each to help their productivity and creativity.
For information, the first step that prospective students must take to take part in the 2022 SBMPTN is to register for an LTMPT (University Entrance Test) Account, whose registration schedule starts from February 14 to March 17, 2022.
Next, register for the 2022 UTBK SBMPTN on 23 March to 15 April 2022. The 2022 UTBK SBMPTN itself will be held on 17-23 May 2022.

Facilitate School Learning Through A Hybrid Learning Approach
Educational technology company (edtech), Quipper supports the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) in optimizing limited face-to-face school learning (PTM).
Several implementations of learning by schools in Indonesia are currently carried out online, face-to-face, and a combination of the two which is often referred to as hybrid learning.
Business Strategy and Growth Senior Manager of Quipper Indonesia, Ruth Ayu Hapsari said, the trend of digital learning has occurred since the 3.0 era and continues to grow until now.
With the improvement in the pandemic situation that allows for more PTM, schools can implement a hybrid learning model as a solution to optimally support learning activities.
The implementation of hybrid learning can be supported by an integrated platform, easy to use, and can be adapted to the needs of students and teachers.
Through Quipper Video and Quipper School Premium (QSP) services, students and teachers can use various features that provide convenience and ease of learning.
From the student’s perspective, as an effort to facilitate the independent learning process during mixed teaching and learning activities (KBM), their Quipper learning account has been equipped with a Search feature that makes it easier for students to find the material they need, both videos and practice questions.
In addition, the Topic Recommendation feature provides input for student learning materials according to their needs and interests. Then the Learning Achievement feature, which provides weekly reports on student learning progress, as well as directions for mastering unfinished material.
As for teachers, Quipper presents the Quipper School Premium service, a Learning Management System (LMS) that provides an integrated solution so that KBM can run optimally, both when distance learning and PTM are limited.