LoGan Offers Solutions to Logistics Problems

Industry competition 4.0 in Indonesia cannot be separated from the availability of qualified logistics service providers. While the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) of Indonesian products is still less competitive with products from other countries.
In Southeast Asia, Indonesia ranks fifth, losing to Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. As for the world, Indonesia ranks 46th.
For this reason, PT Logan Ahwaya Nusantara (LAN) presents applications for Android and iOS that are named LoGan. This service is referred to as the solution of the distribution of logistics and warehousing in the country.
“The name LoGan comes from the words ‘logistics and warehousing’, while Ahwaya means relationship. So, we are a logistics and warehousing company that connects the archipelago,” said CEO and founder of PT LAN Boedi Utomo in an official statement received on Tuesday (6/8) 2019).

As a digital logistics application, LoGan is targeting the business-to-business (B2B) market. So, this application becomes a platform that connects cargo owner with online and real time transport.
In this case, LoGan presents autonomous technologies ranging from order planning to efficient transport management.
“LoGan is a meet-up point between cargo and transportation owners, specifically for fluctuations in the need for shipping goods and the availability of transporters,” said Boedi.
Through LoGan, the shipping process is also easier, faster, and efficient. GPS tracking system that is connected to the GPS device in each truck and cell phone of the driver also makes it easier to track the shipping process.
In addition to the GPS tracking system, LoGan also presents an emergency button. This safety feature can be done by the driver in the event of an accident or problem in the process of shipping goods.
“In addition, we are also in the finalization phase with financial institutions to provide financial support for cargo and transport owners,” Boedi continued.
LoGan also presents an automotive ecosystem to support the operational, management and maintenance needs of the transport fleet. The ecosystem includes workshops, gas stations, suppliers of spare parts, and others.
“It is hoped that by the end of 2019 there will be hundreds of LoGan partner outlets throughout Java,” he continued.
Currently, LoGan is collaborating with several Fast-Moving Consumer Goods companies in Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java and East Java.