Halodoc Strategy: Expansion to Regions and Adding Services

Halodoc startup is optimistic that health consulting services or telemedicine will still be in demand even though the corona pandemic is over. This health startup also plans to expand outside Java and add a variety of services.
Co-founder and CEO of Halodoc Jonathan Sudharta said telemedicine services have been used in remote areas. Meanwhile, drug delivery and Covid-19 risk tests have not yet reached all regions.
Drug delivery services, for example, have only reached 70 cities in Indonesia. Jonathan said that it was due to limited logistical infrastructure. Therefore, the company plans to intensify its expansion to the regions.

“We want remote places to be able to get all health services from Halodoc,” said Jonathan at the Katadata Indonesia Data and Economic Conference (IDE) 2021, Tuesday (23/3).
Halodoc also plans to increase collaboration to increase service usage. “Basically, Halodoc is cooperation. We don’t have a single doctor. But cooperation with 20 thousand doctors,” he said.
Already Cooperated with More than 4 Thousand Health Service Providers
Currently, the company has selected more than 4,000 service providers ranging from hospitals to pharmacies. Halodoc plans to increase the number of doctors and other health facilities. In addition, Halodoc plans to expand its services.
“We want to improve services, not only online but physically (offline),” he said. Since the start of the corona pandemic, the company has launched several new services such as a Covid-19 risk test, psychological consultation, and a veterinarian.
Most recently, Halodoc offers vaccination services on a drive-thru basis in Kemayoran, Cengkareng, and Bogor. The vaccination service is used by about 1,500 people per day. “Until now, around 26-30 thousand people have been vaccinated through Halodoc,” said Jonathan.

This strengthening was carried out because Halodoc estimated that health technology services such as telemedicine were still in demand even though the pandemic was over. “This is because there is a lot of learning during a pandemic. Doctors and patients feel the benefits of health tech,” he said.
Meanwhile, an internal Halodoc survey showed that 80% of users used the service again during the outbreak of the coronavirus. Currently, the company has 18 million users. This number has doubled on an annual basis (year on year/yoy) over the past year.
The volume of transactions also jumped, especially consultations with doctors, which increased by 10 times. The number of readers of information features or health articles on Halodoc has doubled. Health shop services increased fivefold, and doctor appointments tripled.
Jokowi Appreciated Gojek-Halodoc Vaccination Post
President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo directly visited the Vaccination Drive-Thru Post at the Pajajaran Sports Hall, Bogor City, West Java. On this occasion, Jokowi also appreciated the drive-thru concept of the vaccination post as a result of the collaboration between Gojek and Halodoc.
“I have seen the vaccine process like that. It runs smoothly, the administration process, registration, screening, and vaccination. It is hoped that such models can be implemented in other cities and provinces so that they can accelerate the process of the vaccination program in the country,” he said in a written statement, Friday (19/3/2021).

Previously, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto had just inaugurated the Gojek-Halodoc vaccination post at the Pajajaran Sports Hall. With this vaccination post, Bima hopes that the vaccination program in Indonesia can run successfully and smoothly.
“Recently the President saw firsthand the implementation of the vaccination post using the drive-thru method. The existence of this vaccination post is following his directive that asked all elements of the nation to be actively involved in the success of the vaccination program aimed at suppressing the spread of COVID-19, as has been shown by Halodoc and Gojek today,” he said.
Meanwhile, Gojek Co-CEO Kevin Aluwi said that this collaboration was Gojek’s contribution to support the vaccination program in Indonesia. In deciding the spread of COVID-19, Gojek is also educating and implementing health protocols.