Cashtree Releases New E-commerce Platform for Users

PT. Cashtree For Indonesia, previously known through the Cashtree mobile advertising application, has now released their newest e-commerce platform called Hotdeal Indonesia. But currently, the platform is still in beta stage.

This latest innovation was initiated when Cashtree saw the significant effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the purchase of goods through online platforms increased. So, what makes Hotdeal different from other e-commerce?
In this case, Hotdeal wants to minimize the increase of fraud and consumer disappointment because items that do not match the photos are one of the problems in online shopping.
This problem is what Hotdeal Indonesia wants to solve by displaying products on the platform through videos produced by the Hotdeal team themselves.
“Given the online shopping habits of Indonesians who believe more in real videos and testimonials, everyone will definitely be helped by the presence of this video commerce,” said Hotdeal Indonesia CEO Dallen Kim in a statement, Tuesday (19/4/2022).
He added that this was designed to reduce the risk of consumers experiencing the difference between the product ordered and the product that reached the consumer
Previously, Hotdeal was one of the startups that successfully passed the 3rd batch of Shinhan Future’s Lab and grew rapidly through programs held by Shinhan.
During the beta launch period for 4 months, the Hotdeal team revealed that they were ready with various interesting events and promos.
One of the promos that will be held is ‘Rejeki Nomplok’ with 100 percent cashback to 10 percent of the number of consumers who purchase products within a certain period that has been determined. So only by shopping at Hotdeal, consumers can have free shopping opportunities.
Hotdeal Indonesia plans to launch an official launch in July 2022. Hotdeal itself admits that it believes the presence of video commerce in Indonesia will provide convenience and certainty for buyers in Indonesia, especially online shoppers.

Consumer Habits During the Pandemic Make Hybrid Shopping Trends Increase
IBM’s Institute for Business Value and the National Retail Federation, the world’s largest retail trade association, released a global study entitled “Consumers Want It All”.
This study reveals an increasing consumer preference for sustainability and shopping experiences spread across multiple digital, physical and mobile touchpoints.
A survey of more than 19 thousand consumers shows that hybrid shopping is currently increasing due to consumer habits formed during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Citing an IBM press statement, Tuesday (8/2/2022), hybrid shopping itself is a way of shopping that combines physical and digital channels in the shopping experience.
Retailers are also considered to be more agile to be able to meet customers wherever they are, by integrating digital experiences and physical stores.
Meanwhile, 27 percent of respondents reported that hybrid shopping was their preferred method of shopping, with Gen Z consumers being the most likely to do so compared to other age groups.

Shop in Store
Meanwhile, 72 percent of respondents said they still shop directly at the store as a whole or as part of their main shopping method.
The top reasons respondents still visit stores are that they can touch and feel products before buying them (50 percent), and can choose and choose their own products (47 percent).
Some also rate they can get the product they want right away (43 percent), although what shoppers are looking for in physical stores varies by product category.
Starting in 2020, sustainability is also becoming increasingly important to the purchasing decisions and brand preferences of the surveyed consumers.
Consumers who have specific goals, choose products or brands based on their value, for example related to sustainability, which is the largest segment of consumers surveyed (44 percent).
62 percent of respondents said they were willing to change their shopping habits to reduce their environmental impact, up from 57 percent two years ago.