Warung Pintar Provides a Digital-based Social Aid Distribution Services

Warung Pintar provides end to end social assistance (social assistance) distribution services. This stall digitization startup utilizes facilities, such as warehouses and partners. Co-Founder and COO of the Warung Pintar Harya Putra explained, the service idea came up because there were some problems in the distribution of social assistance.
Problems that often arise starting from the difficulty of getting a supply of social assistance, to the procurement to transparent distribution.

Harya claims, the brand-new service increases the efficiency of social assistance distribution. “Being an efficient end-to-end social assistance platform, with a detailed and close network of citizens,” he told Katadata.co.id, Monday (5/18).
This new service is also to help partners, called masters to adapt and survive amid a corona pandemic. That way, partners remain the point of providing community needs in different ways.
Three Aid Packages will be Distributed to the Community during the Pandemic
The social assistance distribution scheme through Warung Pintar starts from the procurement of goods, management to distribution to beneficiaries. At the management stage, supplies will be divided into relief packages.
The package consists of three namely IDR 100 thousand, IDR 250 thousand, and IDR 500 thousand. The delivery process is carried out a maximum of a week, with a minimum social assistance value of IDR 10 million.

“The entire process of distribution of social assistance will also be delivered transparently in the form of reports,” he said. The report includes the name of the recipient, tracking the shipment from beginning to end, as well as documentation when delivering aid.
To provide these services, Warung Pintar works with several institutions. Among them are Kompas Cyber Media, Rumah Yatim, Swap Masks, Baznas (Bazis) DKI Jakarta, and London School Beyond Academy. Nevertheless, individuals can also participate through the Kitabisa.com Warung Pintar page.
At present, there are at least seven parties participating as donors in the Warung Pintar social assistance program. The total beneficiaries are more than 2,500 people. Warung Pintar’s partner is identical to the color yellow.
At the end of last year, this startup hooked up to 5 thousand stalls in Indonesia. The company targets the number of partners to increase tenfold to 50 thousand next year. Euromonitor data, the majority of the people of Indonesia, India, and the Philippines shop at grocery stores. Of the retail market value of US $ 521 billion, as much as US$ 479.3 billion or 92% of them are transactions in grocery stalls.
Warung Pintar also Distributes Donations from Kompas.com and Tribunnews
Kompas.com and Tribunnews.com in collaboration with KGXpress and Mitsubishi Pajero Club Indonesia (MPCI), as well as a number of professional organizations submitted the fundraising results intended for people affected by the economy from the Covid-19 outbreak.
A total of IDR 780,843,000 was obtained from donations from Kompas.com and Tribunnews.com readers who entered through the account bookisa.com.

Donations have been distributed by volunteers KG Media, who in this case represent Kompas.com and Tribunnews.com. The donation was given to the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) and Warung Pintar network.
Distribution of donations was also carried out independently by KG Media volunteers through RT Heads and RW Heads of representatives from each Kelurahan and Kecamatan in 27 locations spread across the Jadetabek area, Friday (05/15/20).
This time, KG Media’s collaboration with Warung Pintar is in the context of supporting economic movements in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
The aid was delivered in the form of nine-basic necessities with a total of 3,728 packages, where each package consisted of five kilograms of rice, two liters of oil, sugar, sweetened condensed milk, tea, coffee, and instant noodles.
A total of 774 food packages were distributed through Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), 1,110 food packages were distributed through the Warung Pintar network, and 1,844 food packages were distributed independently.