SCN Challenged Local Startups to Work on Surabaya Tourism Potential

Surabaya has been known internationally since this city suddenly became the City of Thousand Parks (Kota Seribu Taman). Surabaya is also known as the City of Struggle (Kota Perjuangan) and City of Heroes (Kota Pahlawan) in Indonesia. Many historic buildings and spots stand intact in this city.
There is the house of Bung Karno (1st President of Indonesia), HOS Cokro Aminoto, and many more. Not to mention the innovation in transportation in the presence of Suroboyo Bus also adds the selling value of this city. Thus, Surabaya Creative Network (SCN) has begun to address potential tourist destinations.
SCN began to link the existence of the tour with potential millennials. They invited local startups to work on the tourism potential in Surabaya. Here, SCN held a tourism discussion with millennials titled ‘Dolan Surabaya, Mengenal Surayaba Lebih Dekat’ (Visit Surabaya, Getting to Know Surabaya Closer).
Followed by Dozens of Participants from Various Backgrounds
At the coffee shop where many creatives come to brainstorming, the former finalist of Cak Ning Surabaya and Surabaya Parliament Member, Juliana Evawati, Art Program Manager of British Council, Viandhira Athia, and the SCN Chair, Hafshoh Mubarak discuss the potential.
This tourism potential discussion was attended by dozens of participants from tourism, culinary activists, and startups who were concerned in the field of tourism. The discussion was then hosted by Baby Amelia, an activist from Surabaya Heroes Toastmasters. They started talking about developing tourism potential in Surabaya.
Viandhira Athia said that Surabaya City Parks have been known to foreign countries, but Surabaya does not have an icon that can attract more tourists to visit Surabaya. “The history of Kota Pahlawan (the City of Heroes) is only in Surabaya,” she said.
“There must be iconic souvenirs and the most distinctive things that make Surabaya more memorable,” Viandhira added. She hoped there are souvenirs from recycling used goods. Surabaya needs Future Crafting. Besides, ancient buildings in Surabaya must have some interesting strengths to stand out.
SCN Chair: We Invited Startup Community to Make It True
Meanwhile, SCN Chairperson, Hafshoh Mubarak, dreamed that Surabaya can become a spot and setting for making widescreen films in the future. “There are many historical sites and cultural areas in Surabaya. Historical villages are also available in this city,” she said.
According to Hafshoh, all parties should work together so that this cultural potential can become a current trend. The goal is to increase foreign tourist arrivals in the city. “We are like seasonings. We will change what Surabaya already has to be more interesting,”
Regarding of the places that are being prepared to become film shooting spots include the village of the struggle era in Surabaya, such as Maspati Village, the house of Bung Karno, Hos Cokro Aminoto Museum, WR Soepratman, and Lawang Seketeng.