OVO Overcomes Deficit of Digital Talent through Fintech Academy

A payment financial technology (fintech) startup, OVO, collaborated with Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika) and Bareksa to create a fintech academy program. This program aims to produce digital talents in the fintech sector that are increasingly needed along with its increasingly massive development.
OVO President Director and Bareksa Co-Founder, Karaniya Dharmasaputra, said that the fintech academy would facilitate digital talent candidates on campus to develop their knowledge of fintech.

Karaniya said the fintech academy was created to fill the gap in the need for digital talent in the fintech sector. “We currently see that there is an academic problem with the world of work that the gap cannot yet be closed,” he said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday (15/2).
Research from McKinsey and the World Bank states that Indonesia lacks nine million digital workers by 2030. This means that there is a need for 600 thousand digital workers per year. Meanwhile, the need for digital talent is increasing along with the rapid growth of fintech in the country.
“We realize that the need for digital talent is getting bigger as the fintech world is also growing rapidly,” said Karaniya. Google, Temasek, and Bain in a report entitled e-Conomy SEA 2020 said, the value of the digital economy in Indonesia grew 11% in 2020 on an annual basis (year on year / yoy).
Fintech Academy Provides Internship Opportunities for Students
This growth has been supported by fintech. The report also shows that fintech transactions in 2020 experienced growth in all types of services, from payments to loans to remittances. “The potential for fintech is great to develop in Indonesia. Therefore, digital talent competencies are needed,” said Acting Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Nizam.
Unika Chancellor Atma Jaya Prasetyantoko said universities are trying to pursue the need for digital talent. “So we take advantage of this (fintech academy) to catch up,” he said.

Later the fintech academy will have several programs not only for lectures but also opportunities for internships at fintech companies for students. At the initial stage, the materials that will be taught in the lecture space include big data, blockchain, e-money, e-investment, insurtech, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, credit scoring, and others.
Lectures will be delivered by fintech experts from OVO and Bareksa. The lecture will be divided into two sessions, namely general lecture sessions and online lectures or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).
Meanwhile, in the long term, the fintech academy will develop a fintech Early Learning Program (ELP) for the high school category, as well as an internship program and startup incubation for students.
OVO Holds a Cooking Competition Makeover
OVO, the leading digital payment platform and financial services in Indonesia, collaborates with Sayurbox and TaniHub, Ruparupa.com to hold a Cook Makeover competition, on official Instagram @OVO_ID, 10-25 February 2021.
Through Cook Makeover, the participants showed their creativity in arranging one of the four selected food dishes, including rawon londo, peanut sauce grilled chicken, ikan kecup-kecup and maranggi steak.

Not only that, for potential participants who want to learn to cook while arranging their presentation, OVO also provides video tutorials for each menu, guided by Chef William Gozali, winner of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 and BBQ Mountain Boys.
During the implementation of the PSBB period, people tended to have more free time at home. This situation encourages them to look for new activities and hobbies that can be done safely, one of which is cooking at home.
OVO hopes that every chef at home can feel proud of his cooking results and creativity in arranging the presentation of luxurious home cooking, as well as boldly showing his achievements on social media.
“In addition, together with Sayurbox and TaniHub, we want to invite the public to feel safe and comfortable shopping online to participate in this competition,” said OVO Head of Corporate Communications, Harumi Supit in a written statement, Sunday (14/2/2021 ).