Talenta Encourages Companies to Use HRIS to Anticipate New Normal

Matthew Million, Founder of HR Millennial Indonesia and HR Practitioners stated that during the transition to New Normal we must maintain the discipline of health protocols because now activities are driven more by economic factors, not because of the threat of Covid-19 has disappeared.
Several regions in Indonesia have implemented relaxation amid the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic. Business and public facilities are starting to resume, but of course by implementing strict health protocols.

But it cannot be denied, the number of Covid-19 cases is still high. A few days after the relaxation went on, Indonesia experienced a surge in cases to reach 1,000+ cases per day.
“If the company fails to comply with the established obligations and the bad scenario is that employees are infected with Covid-19, all parties that intersect with the employee are required to carry out tests and quarantine independently for four days. there is a possibility that the operating permit will be temporarily revoked, “Matthew said through written statements.
Business or HR owners must consider many things before deciding on whether employees can return to work in the office. The application of strict and disciplined health protocols, as well as new normal operational standard procedures (SOPs), need to be designed to ensure employees continue to work safely and productively.
The important role of HR is also needed to ensure the smooth and safe activities of employees who are returning to work in the office. On the other hand, HR also needs to prepare for the worst-case scenario, the second wave of Covid-19, in which business activities may be remotely carried out from home. This condition is very challenging for HR to be able to respond quickly, so the HR process manually becomes inefficient.
Talenta Presents Solutions to simplify HR’s Job
As a Software-as-a-Service company targeting SMEs and mid-enterprise businesses, Mekari through its Talent cloud-based HRIS & Payroll products presents solutions that can help HR implement company policies in the New Normal era through automation like the following:
Physical distancing makes companies need to implement new work shifts for employees to ensure safe distance for employees who work in the office. Planning, time distribution, and monitoring employee work shift schedules are easier for HR if they rely on the automation of the Talent Shift Management feature.

The application of employee work shifts with a risky manual process raises HR data errors that can have an impact on the payroll received by the employee. With Talenta’s payroll automation system integrated with shift and attendance arrangements, HR will be assisted in the distribution of accurate salaries following employee work shift data.
HR Can Ensure Employee Productivity with Features in Talenta
HR can utilize the Live Attendance feature to ensure employees are absent wherever and whenever safely. Employee health is a major factor that must be considered by HR when deciding employees can return to the office.
Identifying the disease history and recommending employees with Covid-19 symptoms to stay at home is important. With the Health Tracker feature, HR can obtain accurate health data and make plans if there are employees who need further health check facilities.

The use of the Time Tracker feature in the Talenta application will make it easy for each leader to distribute tasks to employees and monitor so that the task can be completed on time.
“We want to provide a solution so that the HR process can run easily without relying on manual processes that are at risk of human error. Through the Money Back Guarantee program, companies that subscribe to Talenta in the period 15 June – 14 July 2020 will get a hundred percent money-back guarantee if their features and Talent services are not yet in line with company needs,” said Standie Nagadi, Mekari’s VP of Marketing.